Cody Schneider, Ph.D., PAS
Cody has a passion for production agriculture that stems from being raised on a diversified crop, beef, and dairy farm near Salina, KS. Cody completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Animal Science at Kansas State University. While at Kansas State, Cody was a member of meat judging and meat animal evaluation teams. During his master’s degree, he conducted research pertaining to feeding crude glycerin to feedlot cattle and the development value-added protein meal products for the feedlot and dairy industry.
After K-State, Cody went on to obtain his Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. While at Nebraska, Cody conducted many trials on newly received cattle and transitioning cattle to finishing diets. Also, he was heavily involved in a wide variety of research (feedlot, backgrounding, stocker, and cow-calf) serving as Research Coordinator. In this role Cody’s passion for production agriculture developed into a passion for using research and data to improve production and solve problems.
Cody has maintained his passion for research and data in his consulting career working with beef clients as a trusted partner to address challenges and identify opportunities to improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Cody spends most of his time traveling in Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Nebraska but is open to working anywhere in the USA and has worked internationally in the past. In his spare time, Cody enjoys spending time with his 4 children (Kate, Luke, Everett, and Owen), and working alongside his wife (Haley) on his family’s cow-calf operation.
Servicing beef clients in Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska and more!